March 12, 2012

Once Extraordinary Events, an event organization agency in Tuscany and territorial partner of NGS, took care of the research project of the lost painting by Leonardo Da Vinci “The Battle of Anghiari”. Specifically, Once Extraordinary Events took care of communication, coordination of bureaucratic relations between the institutions involved and logistics.

The research was coordinated by Professor Maurizio Seracini (UCSD – University of California San Diego), together with the National Geographic Society, the Municipality of Florence and Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

On 12 March 2012, at the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, a press conference was held to present the results of the research on Leonardo da Vinci’s famous work “The Battle of Anghiari”.
Once Extraordinary Events handled national and international communication during the scientific investigation phases and on the occasion of the conference.

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