June 17, 2014

On the occasion of the 60-year anniversary of Florence Hometown of Fashion, the Florence Center for Italian Fashion and Pitti Immagine have entrusted the Once Extraordinary Events company with the creation of the exhibition event “Italian automotive design of the ’50s and ’60s” (conception and realization set-up, handling of institutional relations and all technical, organizational and logistical aspects, selection of suppliers and employee personnel).
Ten historic cars will be on display in Piazza della Signoria from June 17 to 19, 2014; all strictly belonging to the Lopresto Collection, one of the most prestigious collections at an international level. One-of-a-kind, limited-run, or even prototype-only frames.

Corrado Lopresto, Milanese architect and entrepreneur, winner of over 180 competitions, including more than 40 Best in Show (for the best car category), is the only one to have won the Coppa d’Oro four times at the Villa d’Este competition of elegance, the most important award in Europe.

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